Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Software to Spy on BlackBerry: How It Works

The smart phone wars have been going on for some time now. One of the main contenders in this war is the BlackBerry. Despite all the flashy applications that the iPhone offers, the BlackBerry is still the preferred smartphone of businessmen who appreciate convenience and reliability over flashy interfaces.

There is now a new application for the BlackBerry that is becoming increasingly popular: software to spy on BlackBerry.

Software to spy on BlackBerry comes in many names and brands, but they are do pretty much the same, which is collecting information from a BlackBerry and then store it on a website. How this information is used is up to each person, but common uses are: controlling long distance calls, knowing who is in touch with your children and for what purposes, finding out if your spouse is cheating on you, controlling employees that spend a lot of time out of the office, and of course, finding out quickly where the person holding the phone is in case of an emergency.

There are people who spy on BlackBerry for other purposes, but those are the main and most common ones.

Ok, but how does the software work?

Simple, any smartphone sends and receives information to an area's local network. This local network connects to other, bigger networks, including the Internet, until it reaches its final destination, which is another phone.

What the software does is that it collects the information that the phone sends and then sends a copy of it to a website using the Internet. The information is then stored on the website and it's accessible only to the person that has the correct username and password.

Note that in order to spy on BlackBerry, you need the identification number of that BlackBerry in specific. This software doesn't collect information from any BlackBerry, only from the ones whose identification number you provide. The identification number can be found inside the battery compartment of the BlackBerry.

As for the username and password, you create them yourself when you open an account in the website of the developer of the software. And yes, it has a cost, but I believe it's a very reasonable one if you are using the software for a good purpose.

Finally, the kind of information that you get when you spy on BlackBerry is very useful, but again, it depends on what you want it for. Specifically, you get the call history of the phone, the content of all sent and received text messages, the location of the phone on a local online map, and access to the phone's memory.

Now Pay Close Attention Here-

Is Someone Keeping Secrets from You? Reveal All with the Worlds Most Powerful Mobile Spy Software - SpyBubble.

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