Research In Motion (RIM) launched its very first BlackBerry device as a two-way pager in 1999. With its gradual and immense popularity leading to the launch of its next first smart phone in 2002, known for its e-mailing facility, internet faxing, web browsing, mobile telephone, text messaging, etc. RIM focused on the feature of e-mailing, the reason for BlackBerry's success.
BlackBerry has been synonymous with office use, for its office friendly pre-installed applications - to-do list, notes, phone book, calculator, calendar, alarm, etc. This made BlackBerry the first preferred choice of buyers for an office friendly smart phone. BlackBerry currently regulates an approximate of 20% share of the worldwide sales in smart phones, after Nokia's Symbian mobile phones.
BlackBerry is coming up with fresh design and new models of smart phones. Its earlier models range from 8300/8700/8800/8500 Series, the 7100/8100 Series, 8200 series and more. The latest upcoming models are Storm, Bold, Curve and Pearl Series. Of which Storm is the first touch phone by BlackBerry with a Large 3.25" touch screen, 3.2 MP camera, Wi-Fi support, Wireless E-mail, Bluetooth, and much more. Such enormous features that too all-in-one smart phone attracts buyers by and large. BlackBerry is among the top best selling mobile brands in the US, leaving behind Apple's iPhone.
BlackBerry offers varied range of smart phones and now touch phones as well for people of different tastes. This is one brand provides most easy-to-use and all types of applications for day to day use. Making work convenient for users. BlackBerry's sleek and newer design of smart phones has created waves among people and much eagerness to own one of their own.
BlackBerry is soon becoming the dominant choice for buying a smartphone of especially of business people and gradually others as well. Such high end smart phones by BlackBerry have resulted in the emergence and establishment of BlackBerry Application Development Industry. Seeing the rise it is has and is going through, various companies and entering this field to prove their skills. BlackBerry Software Development is popularly earning huge profits on everyday basis, witnessing the increase in mobile developers wanting to take a chance to prove their capabilities in this realm.
This quick changing scenario and demand of BlackBerry applications is testimony to the increase in customized BlackBerry applications for customers. With huge amount of mobile users switching to BlackBerry mobiles phones, will see a magnificent expansion in the area of customized application development.
Semaphore Software delivers high end results in the development of BlackBerry Applications and Softwares. We offer Client/Server Application, Wireless Solutions, Wireless Entertainment, Advertisement Applications, Internet based Solutions, Mobile, PDA, Embedded and Wireless technologies to meets clients needs and requirements. Our entire team of professionally accomplished developers provides unique and customized BlackBerry Software Development service.
Here the author is putting forward the list and features of various upcoming promising mobile phones by BlackBerry. That makes it immensely popular among people. Also showcasing the rise BlackBerry Application Development Industry has seen.
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